Common Diseases of Persian Cats in the Philippines
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) - A group of symptoms affecting the cat's lower urinary system and bladder. It causes urination to be difficult and often painful.
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Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) - Causes an infection disease in domestic cats similar to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in humans. Some symptoms are infection and inflammation of gums and mucuous membrane in the mouth. Poor coat condition and weight loss. 

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Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) - Inability of the kidney to remove waste products from the blood. Symptoms usually shows when enough damage are already done. FLUTD is one of the causes.
Healthy kidney vs. CRF
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Polycystic Kidney Disease or PKD - Cysts develop and grow in the kidney over time, replacing kidney tissues and enlarging the kidney. Kidney failure develops later in life, at an average age of 7 years old. This is inherited. We don't have a test of PKD here in the Philippines but it makes sense to include this because almost 49% of Persians including Exotics are infected by this disease.
These diseases are of course present also on other cats around the world. This is just base on my research here.Very few professionals would admit that the root cause of these diseases are associated with their diet. You don't have to be a professional to know that cats don't cook food in their natural habitat. Start changing your cats' diet. If you think you are giving them proper care by giving them expensive "Premium and Natural" commercial cat food, you better think twice now. Start giving them the real Natural and Premium food. It's easy, not time consuming and yes, you can save more.
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